It’s that time of year when many people make resolutions and set goals for the upcoming year. Often, within the first few weeks or months of the new year, they have been abandoned. People struggle to figure out why they didn’t work and go back on autopilot with little or nothing changing.

Whether it is a goal to get sober, lose weight, get in shape, save more money or take a trip, most often resolutions don’t happen for one simple reason. There is no plan.

For a goal (resolution) to work, there are some simple rules. First, it has to be more than some vague notion. To achieve any goal, it has to be something you are committed to doing.

Goals should be SMARTSpecific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and have a Timeframe.

That is the framework for a plan. Because this is a recovery site let’s use getting sober as an example. You can apply this method to any goal you want to set or resolution you are making.

I will stop drinking or using drugs.

Zero drinking or drug use.

Of course it is, millions of people have done it!

Yes, if you truly want it.

You can start today or any day of your choosing.

Remember: A Goal or Resolution Without a Plan is Just a Wish!

Many times after the holidays, people make a resolution to quit drinking or using drugs. It is usually because they have recognized a pattern of drinking or using which is disturbing to them. Maybe there are some difficulties in some major life areas such as relationships, work or school. Sometimes people making these resolutions aren’t sure if they have a drinking or drug use problem. If you are one of those people, you can always book a no-cost appointment for a free assessment to help you make up your mind.

Maybe you have already decided you have a problem with drugs or alcohol. If so you might want to book an appointment to see which of our programs  are right for you.

Or possibly you have already been trying to quit and the holidays found you relapsing. You might want to consider our Relapse Prevention Program.

At Recovery Calgary, we wish you all the best for a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous 2019. If you are making resolutions, remember to make them SMART and always have a plan so you goals will become a reality.